Sunday, August 28, 2011


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

When I said I wanted change, do not associate me with my old self. I am literally not kidding. I cannot make more mistakes and keep saying "OH ALLAH WILL FORGIVE ME WHEN I REPENT" I do not have ALL the time in the world. No one will be able to guarantee us tomorrow except Allah S.W.T. For all we know, we might die in seconds, minutes or hours from now. This leads me to wearing hijab to cover parts of me that when exposed, will add to my sin.

Unfortunately, wearing hijab has become an issue. In all honesty, I do not wear it to look good or to gain attention from a sudden change but in reality, I do it for coverage. All the Muslim girls should wear it but it depends on our heart. I do not expect you to change when I change, I only need you to understand that my heart has come to a decision of obeying Allah S.W.T. The other day my friend updated her status on Facebook saying "Selangkah anak perempuan keluar dari rumah tanpa menutup aurat, maka selangkah juga ayahnya itu hampir ke neraka. Selangkah seorang isteri keluar rumah tanpa menutup aurat, maka selangkah juga suaminya itu hampir ke neraka."

Translation: "One step a girl exits her house without covering her aurah, that one step also leads the father closer to Hell" One step a woman exits her house without covering her aurah, that one step also leads her husband to Hell."

And I ask myself, do I love Allah? Do I love my father? YES I love Allah and YES I love my father and I only hope that my family, friends and cousins get to go into Jannah (Amin) even if I'm not.

I know that most girls that keep update with fashion or wants to look good take it very hard to cover parts of the body that make them pretty/hot. Even I myself was like that once, days and months ago. I wore revealing clothes and let my hair curl to my shoulders and everyone was always commenting and praising. Now I realise that I do not need all those praises when it does not even get me close to Jannah.

I only hope that you do not question me in wearing hijab anymore. It's my decision for Allah S.W.T. I easily falter, that is why I need to strengthen my iman to ignore all the pretty clothes that are not meant for Muslim girls.

"O Prophet! say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper, that they may be known, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (33:59)"

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