Saturday, May 26, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Greetings brothers and sisters! Life has been taking on its own course lately that I'm lost in its grip. Lately I feel that I have hurt people through my words and actions. I think that I am being myself.. but is it really my true self? If it is.. then I am so horrible. Ya Allah, what have I become? I need a renewal of faith and a slap to my face to remind me of my purpose on Earth.

I met someone who, in a way challenges me to become better. Being around her makes me think of this incompetent self of mine. That I'm a foolish servant. But in a good way I want to change myself to become like her. Like all the seniors I have met. It's a question I have to ask myself. When I return from UK, will I be one of those who are culture shocked or.. Insya Allah someone who knows herself, her religion and her God.

What I know now is that..
I climb, I slip, I fall.

And now I need to climb back up again, little by little, Insya Allah :)