Thursday, March 10, 2016

And Before You Love - Love Yourself

If only you knew you hold the future of the world in your hands. If only you knew you will be future mothers to your children and wives to your husbands. Would you not be the best woman to your ummah? Tell me; are you not impactful for the ummah's legacy? Truly, you are crucial to the ummah's growth.

The best women having the best names, you name it. Aisyah, Safiyyah, Khadijah and many more who has rocked this world with their soothing physical yet firm determination.

That is why I love you and always think about you.

But do you think of yourself?

Conclusion: If you do not respond to my love, that's okay.

If you do not respond to my love, that's okay. The objective of me scribbling this article is not to be loved back by you. But what I aspire is for you to love yourselves,

When I say, "I love you", that means "I want to live in heaven together."

If you do not want to enter heaven together with me, aspire to enter heaven yourself. Therefore, prepare yourself. The future is in your hands.

I share the same sentiment as the author. Countless of women I know don't even love themselves to begin with; yet they continue to love. That is a dangerous love. Selfless does not mean you do not love yourself, selfless is knowing yourself enough that you are able to give with what you have without dying within. What for you continue giving when each day you wear thin? And to have a final outcome losing faith in Him?

My dear women, balance your love.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Certain One

When your connection to God only exists in a certain someone, when you feel your imaan soars only with a certain someone and without a certain someone, you are just as hopeless as a wingless bird.

When your whole being craves a presence to always be with you. Because without a certain someone, you feel that your existence is futile.

If a certain someone is gone, you will find a replacement, putting your whole entity in a trust so immense that a certain someone feels the need to stay.

When a certain someone tries to break free, you chain that certain someone to always be within your grasp.

Your heart turns dark with envy when a certain someone tries to connect with another. You place a mask called love in that connection with a certain someone.

In reality, you just cannot stand the thought of yourself. Therefore in having a certain someone, you can run away from yourself.

I call you to stand up and fight. Let loose of the chains you have placed upon a certain someone .. and chain it to A Certain One.