Friday, November 30, 2012

Under Your Feet

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Who in this world do you value the most?

Today, I am going to tell you about my most valuable person. My Jannah lies under her feet. My mother. She carried me for 9 months and for undergoing through that pain Mom, I will eternally be grateful. Sarah rindu Mama :')

See.. my Mom, she is not exactly an academically educated person considering she quit school early.. but what she has taught me in my years of living.. is worth more than any education this world can provide. She gave me the knowledge of the deen. Constantly mentioning Allah S.W.T. ever since I was small. I never took heed.. but now that I do..

Ya Allah.. grant her Jannah.

There is one thing I pray that I will be able to do for her. My dream. I want to send her for Hajj with my father. I want to earn the money myself and present that gift to her. My Mom has not gone for Hajj yet and as I am becoming more mature, she is getting older. And she needs to complete her 5th pillar. I sincerely pray that I will be able to fulfill this wish.

She never complains always staying home every single day. The only people that she sees in her life is us, her husband and children. And her family.. is in Singapore. Not in Brunei. And what do we as her children do.. We constantly ignore her advices. Yet she is still patient and passionate.

Maybe I should have been more closer to her. But it's not too late. It's never too late. I do feel that when I call home I find myself opening up bit by bit. Oh Allah, You soften my heart and Alhamdulillah I am able to love more and give more.

Ma, I miss you.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear brothers and sisters,

I made a mistake. A huge mistake. But the second I realised what I did, it was too late to take it back. This is it about words.. you can never take it back once it is spoken.

I have let myself down, let others down and most importantly, I have done something which Allah S.W.T disfavor. The act of gossiping and backbiting. And I am wondering when will I ever stop this bad habit. To be honest, I am that type of person who speaks without thinking. This mouth of mine needs to be filtered. Today, I said something I should not have.. about another person to someone else.. When I realised what I had done, it was just too late.. and the remorse I feel is how shameful and disgraceful I am as a servant.

Alhamdulillah Allah S.W.T is Just. He gave me time to reflect upon myself (muhasabah) and rewarded me with friends who help me gain strength from this defeat of imaan. It is most obvious that I am not perfect, so when I talk about others behind their back, does it now show how ugly I am? That my heart is still corrupted. And I hate it. Why does my tongue roll out judgement easily? Ya Allah.. It is shameful for me because I have prayed for forgiveness during the end of Zulhijjah. So why did I easily sin again after that? :')

But when I think about it, is He not teaching me a lesson is such a way that I will not do it again? Because He knows what is best for me. I may have gone worse that there was a need for today to happen. But Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Allahu Akbar.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear brothers and sisters, in my Quranic Session today we talked about the blessings that we are given by Allah S.W.T. Truth be told every single thing in this life is a blessing. This life in itself is a blessing. So be grateful :) And let Him know you are grateful by doing all the things He loves. Start by praying :) And this is a post found and I would like to share it as well.

Today, try to count Allah’s blessings in your life.

Start with your breath, your beating heart, your ability to see, smell and touch, and the ability to laugh…

Continue to your favorite foods, the roof over your head, and the people who love you…

From there move out to the blue sky, the beauty of a single tree, the sunshine on your face, and the majesty of a rising moon…

Keep counting…

Don’t forget your imaan (your faith) and your knowledge of Allah. That is the greatest blessing of Allah and the truth is that you did nothing to earn it; rather it was a gift from Allah’s infinite mercy.

Also do not forget your safety. So many people in this world live in unsafe conditions; in war, poverty, starvation, refugee camps, political imprisonment, and other forms of extreme hardship. Just to wake up in your bed in the morning and know that your life is not in immediate danger is a great blessing.

Keep counting…

Allah says: “[...] and if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not enumerate them,”(14:34).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Chapter Closed

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear sisters and brothers,

SubhanAllah being here in the UK, I thank Allah S.W.T for giving me hidayah day by day. Masya Allah how every single day I find myself loving Islam more and more. When you open your heart to the blessings that Allah gives you, you will find contentment. I am blessed to be studying in Sheffield, where I have lovely ukhuwahs close-by to help me repair myself and fix my deen. Everyday I look forward to the time when I will do sujood, to magnify His glory, to make myself understand, that I am no one but just a mere creation.

Only recently, have I deleted my old Facebook account and created a new one. It is because of the fact that there are countless pictures of me without full coverage there. And I am scared. I keep repenting but my sin of having my pictures seen by non-mahrams is still running loose. So with the aid of my lovely ukhuwahs who asked me which is more important: dunia or akhirah? So a simple solution to that was just to delete my Facebook. It was a lot to take in because basically most of my life was in there but then again... that's my worldly life and I'm IN NEED of my akhirah. He's always watching. After deleting my Facebook, I felt such a huge relief. Masya Allah. That part of my story is closed. Let the past be the past. My past made me ME but let's not open the chapters of sin anymore and walk the path of Jannah, In Sya Allah :)

This quote from: video has opened my eyes. Masya Allah. Bless the sister who shared the video.

"The more you grow, the more you study, the more Imaan you have. The more you become dis-attracted to some of the things, of the dunya. You don't like what you used to do. I have Quran in my heart, I have the love of the Prophet, I have the love of Allah, I have something in me. And I'm now different. I feel different."

Pray for me. That I will always follow the deen.