Saturday, December 31, 2011

To the end; to the beginning.

Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Without a doubt, 2011 is hours from ending and 2012 is hours from beginning. To be able to breathe now, I am thankful. Praises to Allah S.W.T. for giving me a chance to make a change and serve him at my utmost. Another year has passed after 2010. I might not be fully contented with myself now but I can rightfully admit that I've become better than who I used to be. Alhamdulillah.

I watched New Year's Eve, a Hollywood movie and I have to say that it is a beautiful story of how life changes due to decisions that we make. But we are Muslims; and our life differs so much than theirs who succumb to alcohol, pork or lust for joy. In no means am I critizing the other religions - I'm just saying that we as Muslims, are asked to control ourselves to achieve Jannah - a heaven for the servants who have served Allah S.W.T. with sincerity of Rasullah S.A.W.

Humans all over the world today are reunited, as we all enter 2012 Masihi together! As we are in the mid of Safar, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Forgive and forget with sincerity the people who you have held on your grudges to, smile and start anew :) Change yourself step by step. Don't change into someone else, be someone better! Do charity! Do not hope and expect; instead say Alhamdulillah into the blessings that Allah S.W.T. has provided us with.

To my family, my best friends, my close friends, the people who I have just met, the people who I have loved - you have my gratitude for making me who I am today.

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