Arriving home last night, there was a parcel sitting on the shoe rack. I left it there as I thought it was an item that I ordered. This morning, after reading the Quran, enveloped in my pink throw and holding close my Paopu plushie, I stared at the plushie thinking whether I should get another one before going back to Brunei. Disregarding that thought, I decided to take the parcel on the shoe rack and open it. Carefully slitting the sellotape around the edges, I unfolded the wrap. To my absolute astonishment, I was presented with a colorful box. Bewildered, I opened the box and I swear my heart rate accelerated and my breathing became hitched.
I was beyond speechless.
A medium paopu plushie and two cards were carefully situated in the box.
I could only stare for what seemed like ages before I could put my hands on the cards.
"Assalamu'alaikum ka Sarah" ...
I can only thank Allah for He is The All Hearing, The All Seeing, The Most Loving heart emoticon It was only a small thought that crossed my mind, and He made it a reality in a matter of seconds! Allahu Akbar. Sometimes as constant sinners, we feel that we do not deserve any blessings but really, life in itself, every breath that we take, is His way of providing and caring for us. All we need to do is just submit to Him wholeheartedly.
"Do they not know that Allah extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]? Indeed in that are signs for the people who believe. Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.' "
(Az-Zumar: 52 - 53)
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