Sunday, August 21, 2011

Books & Knowledge

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillah, I received a feedback from a friend about my first post. She said it was life changing. Thank you, my sister. I do wish to be able to inspire others as well as myself. Insya Allah.

Yesterday I went to a one-hour talk about Islamic Understanding. This talk is held for four different days in Dewan Jubli, UNISSA, Gadong. I thought this talk was about enhancing the quality of the Muslim way of life but instead it was a talk about the different Mazhab during Sayyidina Ali’s reign. I took some notes and different tribes during those times were: Syiah, Khawarij, Mu’tazilah, Qadariyah, Jabariyyah, Mushabihah (Karamiyyah) and Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah. In the end she concluded that we embrace Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah’s teaching as they follow Sunnah Rasulullah and the sayings in Al-Quran.

My friends, I have come to realize that it is really hard to change the depth of our attitude. This was proven yesterday when I went out for Sungkai with my friends and in having fun, I lost my self control. I have also missed out in performing my Maghrib prayer. Only after I had a moment to myself that I realize, that is why I wanted to change. Forgetting Allah for the fun in dunia is what I should avoid more than anything.

To gain better knowledge about Islam, I need to read. My parents had been recommending me to read the books they bought about Islam but I never tried to understand it; books that I have been ignoring until now, how shameful am I? I started out with four books:

1. Himpunan Kisah-Kisah Jin/Iblis/Syaitan (Collection of stories about satan)

2. Himpunan Kisah-Kisah Malaikat (Collection of stories about angels)

3. Wanita Yang Dicintai Iblis (Women loved by satan)

4. Bagaimana Mengatasi Marah (How to overcome anger)

In there I found knowledge that made me feel weak and futile as well as beneficial knowledge such as tips to be loved by Allah. I will share some of my findings in a later post, Insya Allah. I pray that with the knowledge I gained, I do not astray from this path of Jannah.

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