Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hey.. Old Friend

Hey old friend
You come again
Even without me calling

Hey old friend
You seem to be doing alright
But look at me I'm still the same

Hey old friend
Truth be told I'm ashamed to meet you
But you are still here nonetheless

But you know what old friend
A part of me yearns to embrace you
A part of me longs to love you

I want to change
And be better
So I can be a good friend to you

My old friend
Can you please... give me a chance this time around?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


That I will stand tall, I won't fall
No matter how they try
To shake my faith
- what I stand for

Know that I will be resilient
Because I have The Mover of Hearts
And I pray that
He will make my heart firm upon the truth

Rough times call for souls to stay strong
To remain standing on the ground
Please don't get lost
In what is amusement... and play.