Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What Am I Missing?

Am I not a good person?

Sometimes it just feels like everyone is ignoring me.

It sucks, you know?

I thought I am capable on my own.

But I feel lonely.

I thought I am capable on my own.

But I desire company.

I thought I am capable on my own.

But I want to be acknowledged truly.

What am I missing?

All these conversations I have with myself.

Just because everyone else seems like they are living better off without me.

What am I missing?

This world is moving so fast.

I feel like I am slow in catching up.

Can someone.. anyone.. tell me?


You forgot.

You forgot you have a soul to feed.

You forgot, on your own, you are weak.

You forgot, you need mercy.

You forgot, you have a Creator who deserves praising.

It has been a while since you last put your head on the ground, in submission to Him.

He gave you a life to live- you just took it all for granted, why do you need to pray and worship?


It bothers you so much that no one seems to be responding to you.

Why does it not bother you that you are not responding to your God?

You have made yourself a god by thinking it is okay to not worship a God.

Who do you think made all these blessings in life?

Who do you think created your parents to give birth to you?

Who do you think you are?

You are no one, if you do not have Him in your life.


Loving yourself, is admitting the fact that you are a fallible creature.

And beyond, acknowledging your God.

Loving yourself, is loving He who created you.

A simple equation to start living life right.


It is not too late.

While you are still breathing.

وَوَجَدَكَ عَائِلًا فَأَغْنَىٰ 
 "And He found you lost and guided [you]"
 [Ad-Dhuhaa : 7]

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Because I'm human, I am easily depressed when things don't go my way. But because I'm human, I'm also able to easily smile when I see someone else smile.

Entering the prayer room in Students' Union, I sat and recited the holy verses whilst waiting for 'Asr time. A sister came in while happily spreading salam to each and every sister in the room, myself included. She sat in front of me. I think she too, recited softly. 'Asr time came.

I started praying 'Asr and a minute later, she came to join me so I automatically switched my niyah to becoming imam. We prayed 4 raka'ats together. I realised during the prayer, there were several movements of ours that were different. I did not let it bother me (like it did when I first arrived here) until the end of the prayer. After the last tahiyyat, she immediately turned to me, smiled widely and said, "Jazakillahu khaiyr sister."

I could only smile and reply, "Wajazakillahu khaiyr."

Differences. There will always be differences in each and every one of us. From the way we perceive things, to how we dress, how we talk, how we practice our Islam. Yet differences are not meant to divide us. We are one and the same: of flesh and blood. Islam in the West has opened my eyes to respect the differences in the way we practice our religion. But one thing remains the same: we submit to The One and Only. He keeps our rope tied together through faith.

So I don't know who you are sister, but your smile warms my heart and soul. May Allah bless you.

For making my day,
thank You.