Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
It's 7th February today. My mother, the person who carried me in her womb for 9 months, suffering through pain of bearing me, is one year older than her age last year. Her birthday is today. And although my sister is not home to bring us all out for dinner, I have my prayers for her. It must have been a roller-coaster journey raising me. I used to throw my tantrums and lose my temper easily. I was even slapped once or maybe twice. I admit I went overboard.
Dear mother, for your relentless efforts I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have yet to experience what you have. Like what you always tell me, I will feel what you feel when I have kids on my own but DO NOT continue the irreligious streak, pass on guides to Allah for my kids. Amin.
Mauliddur Rasul has just passed us but we WON'T stop remembering him and loving him. Allahuma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad. I have so much more to say but as my Graduation approaches, my time is mostly occupied by rehearsals and responsibilities.
I have to say that I need to purify my heart, back to a pure intention for Allah S.W.T. As people have been noticing my changes, I'm afraid that this heart will stray and I need to replenish my heart, mind and soul everytime by reading the Quran and Islamic books. Ya Allah, guide me through this dunia for akhirah.